Ranking Tournaments

Once juniors have learned the fundamentals of technique and movement and how to play squash competitively in a safe manner, they will be encouraged to play in the local challenge series.

There are nine of these events held each season on a monthly rotational basis between Northern squash club, Tynemouth squash club and the Northumberland club.

Competitors are put into leagues of 4/5 and they play each other over one game to 11 points, PAR scoring.

A new ranking list is produced after each event (click here for the latest list) and bonus prizes are provided by the sponsor, Prince UK, to those who perform the best over the series of nine events.

These tournaments are very popular so it is worth booking early to avoid disappointment.

For further information contact Richard Vitty, Head Coach, tel: 0191 285 9712 or email richard.vitty@blueyonder.co.uk.

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